7 Proven Steps to Hit Your Goals 

Are you charged with organizing an incentive event? Do you feel like you’re always waiting to make final decisions because you never know how many people will qualify? Here are seven steps you can share with potential winners, making your job a bit easier and helping prospects take the prize!

Successful people develop the habits of personal strategic planning. They sit down and make a list of exactly what they want to accomplish in the short, medium, and long term. They then use a powerful, seven-part goal-setting methodology to create blueprints and plans of action that they follow every day.

Steps to achieving your goals (and winning that incentive trip):

 One: Decide exactly what you want in a certain area, and write it down clearly, in detail. 

Two: Place your goal where you’ll see it daily. This could be a vision board, a note you carry in your wallet. Taped to your bathroom mirror, one your computer’s home screen, get creative and find areas that you look at each and every day and place your goal in those areas.

Three: Set a deadline for achieving the goal. If it’s a large goal, break it down into smaller parts and incremental goals. I like to work in 90 day increments. I then break those down into monthly, weekly and daily actionable steps.

Four: Make a list of everything you’ll have to do to achieve this goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list until it’s complete.

Five: Identify the obstacles or limitations that might hold you back from achieving your goal, both in the situation and within yourself. Ask yourself, “Why have I not achieved this goal already?” Asking yourself questions will give you key indicators as to what may be holding you back, not just from a practical perspective, but from a mental one, as well.

Clarify the most important item or limitation that’s holding you back, and then focus on removing that limiting factor. It could be time, knowledge or learning a new skill. But, more often than not, you’ll find that you avoid taking action due to subconscious patterns or old scripts running through your mind that hold you back or have you making excuses. Whatever it is, identify it clearly and go to work to eliminate it.

Six: Once you’ve determined your goal, developed your plan, and identified your major obstacle, immediately take action of some kind toward achieving your goal. Step out in faith. Do the first thing that comes to mind, but do something to start moving toward your most important goal. Momentum is key to success. Action creates clarity which builds momentum and propels you forward towards your goals.

Seven: Do at least one thing every day that moves you toward your most important goal. Make a habit of planning your next day each night and do something that moves you at least one step closer to those goals.

Building belief and momentum to hit your goals faster

Daily action deepens your belief that the goal is achievable. As a result, you begin moving faster and faster toward your goal, and your goal begins moving faster and faster toward you.

By following a proven goal-setting process, you’ll increase the likelihood of achieving your goals by as much as ten times or more. This isn’t just theory; it’s been proven.


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