Create a Winning Team Where Everyone Thrives

As a business owner and leader, I know that my company and it’s future success is only as strong as my team. While I understand the importance of extrinsic motivation, items such as, competitive pay and company perks, it’s intrinsic motivation that enables people to tap their potential and perform at their best.  

Intrinsic motivation comes from a deep sense of purpose, use of innate strengths and talents, having a sense of autonomy, and knowing you are valued.

It’s one thing to be the cheerleader for others helping them to see the possibilities and take action. But tapping one’s potential only happens when an individual is ready and willing to release the need for certainty and step out of the comfort zone.

Building momentum and exponential growth

Every human being is born on purpose, with purpose. Everyone has unique skills, talents, and experiences, which, when leveraged create an unstoppable force. They open your mind to see greater opportunities, uplevel your efforts, and expand your capabilities. They propel you towards your goals by creating momentum. Momentum is a game changer.  It has the power to boost confidence and lead to exponential growth.  

There is a huge difference though, between a person who wants to succeed and a person who knows she’ll succeed. That knowing comes when desire is paired with action. That may seem obvious, yet many people never take action on their desires. Why? Because either they don’t believe that what they want is attainable for them, or they don’t know what action steps to take. 

Creating a clear path to success

As human beings, we crave certainty. Certainty gives us a sense of control, it’s deeply rooted in our survival instincts. A lack of certainty, however, prevents most people from ever pursuing their goals, settling instead for average or good enough. Clearly it would be a heck of a lot easier to take action if success was guaranteed. This is where intrinsic motivation takes precedence and builds momentum. In effect, you create your own guarantee by boosting your inner knowing. To do this you must first know what it is you want. The clearer you are, the easier it will be to focus your energy on achieving your goals.

There’s an incredible power that occurs when you let go and allow yourself to believe in your possibilities. Psychologists have proven that your beliefs play a pivotal role in whether or not you will achieve what you want. But belief is like a muscle, it must be exercised every day or it atrophies. If you have a hard time boosting your belief in yourself, then do what motivational speaker, Les Brown suggests and lean on someone else’s belief until yours kicks in. It will eventually kick in. The more you use it, the more it grows.

There is no stopping the collective power of Individuals who have a deep sense of purpose, are clear on what they want to achieve and why, and believe that they are capable of realizing their goals.

When a leader is able to help people believe in themselves, success becomes inevitable not only for the company but for its individual employees.

-Kim Thompson

Co-Founder of The Incentive Travel Guide


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